Rummy Passion

How To Choose Between Rummy Cash Games Or Tournaments?

How To Choose Between Rummy Cash Games Or Tournaments?

People who love online rummy games often face this dilemma about whether they should go for rummy cash games or rummy tournaments. In order to know which option between the two is best for you we have explained the advantages and disadvantages of real cash rummy games and rummy tournaments. Based on these you can pick the option that suits you most before you decide to download the app and play rummy online.

Advantages of Playing Cash Games:

Freedom to Choose the Time: Players who want to play online rummy tournaments register themselves to play within a certain time span otherwise the spots aren’t available. Also the tournaments begin and end at a certain specified time so, you would have to wait for the tournament to begin if you want to take part in it. However, if you are a player who wants to play a real cash rummy game then it’s you who decide when you want to do it. To play cash games you can do it as long as you want. You have the freedom to choose if you wish to play rummy for 10 minutes or 10 hours straight or even more.

Usually Smaller Bankroll Requirement: While this might not be applicable in each and every scenario but usually cash games tend to have smaller buy-ins when compared to rummy tournaments. This means that rummy players also face lesser risk in losing more cash in cash games than in tournaments.

Disadvantages of Cash Games:

Can Get Boring: Playing cash games regularly can get boring after a while. The rummy player might lose focus because of that which can result in them losing the game and the money at stake. This is where rummy tournaments can act as a fresh option to keep the hunger on.

Smaller Rewards: Since the regular cash rummy games usually have less value buy-ins and hence the winning amount there is also low compared to the rummy tournaments. So, if you are a player who wants to win a huge sum of money, in most cases regular cash rummy games won’t be able to give you that. For it to happen you will have to show your skill in rummy tournaments which have a bigger prize pool.

Advantages of Rummy Tournaments

Huge Rewards: Rummy tournaments usually have huge prize pools. One of the reasons why players prefer to play tournaments is the big prizes they can win every day by taking part in them. Hence it’s a fantastic option to make lots of money in a short span of time.

Play Against Mediocre Players: Since the number of players that play rummy tournaments is very high, chances are that you will play against some really mediocre rummy players. You will often come across players who are playing tournaments for the first time. This will likely increase your chance to beat them and get you huge rewards which might not be the case when you play regular cash rummy.

Disadvantages of Rummy Tournaments

Time Consuming: Compared to regular cash rummy games, rummy tournaments need a player to register and then play the game at a specific time. Hence, players need to invest a lot of time even before the tournament actually begins. Rummy tournaments sometimes can take up to many hours to finish unlike the cash games which can even finish within a couple of minutes. So, if you as a player are looking to play a game quickly it is not possible in rummy tournaments.

Larger Deposit Needed: There are certain rummy tournaments on various online rummy platforms which ask players to deposit a week in advance before the tournament actually starts. By making deposits to play such tournaments players are required to lock a certain amount of money in order to reserve a spot. Regular cash games, on the other hand, do not require high deposits in your account.

Some Important Questions That You Need To Ask Yourself Before Zeroing Opting to Play Cash Rummy or Tournaments

The time I can spend playing rummy?

If you have a packed schedule we suggest you go for regular cash rummy games and if you have a lot of time or are on a vacation then you can opt to play rummy tournaments.

What’s in it for me?

Your goal from rummy could be wanting to earn money or have leisure time or improve your skill set. If it’s money that you want to earn by playing rummy then tournaments are the option you should go for. I your primary goal is to have a good time and improve your skill then playing cash games is what you can explore

Hopefully these questions will help choose the best option for you when it comes to cash games or tournaments. So, what are you waiting for to download rummy app and start playing rummy the way you want?